12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 4 – A Focus on the FCA

Regulatory Oversight Podcast


In the fourth episode of our 12 Days of Regulatory Insights podcast series, Dan Waltz is joined by colleague Amy Williams, a partner at Troutman Pepper, and Allison O'Neil, co-chair of Locke Lord's White Collar Defense & Investigations practice group. They dive into recent enforcement actions under the False Claims Act (FCA) at both federal and state levels.

The group discusses the FCA, its enforcement mechanisms, and some significant recent cases. Allison explains how the FCA targets those defrauding the government, making it a key tool for fighting fraud. Amy highlights how state-level FCAs, often modeled after the federal statute, can lead to double enforcement in fraud cases.

Looking ahead, Allison predicts more state-level enforcement due to potential uncertainties at the federal level, with states stepping in to fill the gaps. Both Allison and Amy agree that the FCA will stay a crucial enforcement tool, with priorities possibly shifting after changes in administration.


Amy Pritchard Williams Partner Email 704.998.4102
Allison O'Neil Partner Email 617.239.0729
Daniel Waltz Associate Email 312.759.5948
Related practices and industries
State Attorneys General, White Collar + Government Investigations