Category: Consumer Financial Services
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 6 – Regulatory Shifts in Consumer Financial ServicesRegulatory Oversight Podcast 12.12.24 In the sixth episode of our 12 Days of Regulatory Insights podcast series, Lane Page is joined by Mike Yaghi, a partner in the firm’s Regulatory Investigations, Strategy + Enforcement (RISE) practice, and Chris Willis, co-leader of the firm’s Consumer Financial Services Regulatory practice, to discuss the anticipated changes in federal […]
Navigating Facility Relocation: Legal and Practical ConsiderationsRegulatory Oversight Podcast 04.24.24 This episode of Regulatory Oversight spotlights a recent episode of The Consumer Finance Podcast, “Navigating Facility Relocation: Legal and Practical Considerations,” featuring David Dove from our Regulatory Investigations, Strategy + Enforcement Practice Group. In this episode, podcast host and Consumer Financial Services Partner Chris Willis converses with David about the legal […]
From the Courtroom to the Capitol: Oregon AG Ellen Rosenblum Talks Leadership, Advocacy, and the Journey to Public ServiceRegulatory Oversight Podcast 02.12.24 In the latest episode of Regulatory Oversight, Partner Judy Jagdmann is joined by Oregon Attorney General (AG) Ellen Rosenblum to discuss her journey from being a federal prosecutor and state trial and appellate judge, to becoming Oregon’s AG. AG Rosenblum describes her role as both the chief law officer of the […]
Exploring the Future of Open Banking: A Discussion on CFPB’s 1033 Proposed RuleRegulatory Oversight Podcast 12.14.23 In the latest episode of Regulatory Oversight, Ashley Taylor is joined by his colleagues Kim Phan and Kristen Eastman to discuss the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) 1033 proposed rule, also known as the Personal Financial Digital Rights rule. This rule, part of the Dodd-Frank Act, aims to place limits on […]
State Attorneys General Call on Financial Giants to Eliminate Overdraft FeesRegulatory Oversight Podcast 06.22.22 Please join Troutman Pepper Partner Chris Willis and guests Troutman Pepper Associates Chris Carlson and Susan Nikdel as they discuss the multistate coalition of state attorneys general calling on many of the nation’s largest banks to eliminate overdraft fees. The conversation focuses on what was done, which state attorneys general participated, […]